Monday, December 30, 2013

Greek Yogurt - Not Just For GREEKS!!

Greek yogurt - it's all the rage! OPA! Many people are doing a lot of research on the difference between Greek yogurt and the yogurt we have been used to and eating for many years. Many thought that - well, yogurt was yogurt.  Of course, if it's Greek food, it's better - right?

Why choose the Greek yogurt? The Greek Yogurt is somewhat different than the regular yogurt because it is strained. This “straining” process for yogurt started on the Crete Islands. Greek yogurt is thicker, creamier and has a completely different texture than other yogurts. There are no stabilizers used or added and no gelatin additions. So, Greek yogurt is more pure, if you will - than the processed yogurt products we're used to here in the States.

And here's the best benefit - Greek yogurt is full of protein (double the protein than the normal yogurt!) and is packed with probiotics. Greek yogurt is very low fat and healthy because it has B6, B12 and calcium.

Greek Yogurt is usually made from sheep milk and not from cow milk because the Greeks believe it gives the yogurt a better taste. In Greek cuisine, cow milk is used occasionally but not as often as sheep’s milk.

Greek yogurt is used in Tzatziki dip (which we're famous for, and use in our award-winning Greek salad and MORE... AND - where we get our name!) and can be served with fruits, nuts and honey. Raisins top off yogurt as a sweet treat and often used as a dessert! The Greek yogurt is a lovely Greek addition to your meals.

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